Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Search Description in Blogger

Search Description is one of the best tool available for the Bloggers, Some Bloggers do not use this Tool Effectively due to unfamiliar with this tool of Blogger Blogspot. Here are some tips and tricks for you to use it perfectly to get real output from your Blogger.

Make Search Description clear with your blog Content

It is most worthy and necessary that your content in Search description should relate to the blog Content what is your blog post presenting, if you use the description which don't relates to your blog, you will never get attention of your visitor again even if it is on top of the search engines.

Search Description in Blogger Blogspot

Most  search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo shows recommended Text while you are searching a topic on Search engine like

In above Picture you can see when i am typing blogger it shows many keywords like blogger, blogspot, blogger templates, these keywords shows the websites who have most density of these words. 

One of Common error that bloggers do is they use keywords in their articles without appropriate use and where there is no use of that.

Write Lengthy and interesting post for Search Engine Optimization

It is not difficult to write lengthy articles, to do this you need to research more about the article to make it clearer and easy to read for your visitors, use words that interact your site visitors. you should have bunch of words but one thing in mind that never use those word that are much difficult to understand for your audiences.

Heading necessary for the Search Description

Heading make it clear what your article contain and what don't, heading must be about the article related, never use such word in your heading that not relate with your blog. Most readers get the actual picture of the Article from your article or post headings.

Use Images and use Proper alt and title text for your post 

Pictures, images plays important role for search engine optimization, Use proper title and alt text for your images this will help search engines to locate your website easily for the searchers on the internet.



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